Strand Palette Riggers Remote

This is a remote for the Strand Palette range of lighting desks.

It uses the Palette internal webserver to provide basic control of the lighting desk while rigging and focusing.

It has been tested and used with the Strand Light Palette VL running Palette OS 10.6.3 and the Palette Offline Editor.

To use it you will need:

If you have any questions / suggestions regarding this software, please contact me at

Online Demo

If you wish to try the remote, please try the Online demo
This is a fully working version, just without a desk on the end.


Current Release

Version 1.1 :: 30KB - Updated 18th Feb 2010

Old Releases

Version 1.1 :: 30KB - Updated 12th Feb 2010

Version 1.0 :: 30KB - Released 4th Feb 2010

Testing Release

Version 2.2 :: 97KB - Updated 15th Oct 2010

Online demo of Version 2.2 (Best viewed on an iPhone. To run it full screen, open the link in Safari - press the + at the bottom and select 'Add to Home Screen')

This is an unfinished release, it has quite a few new features and a couple of new ideas that I have not completed.

I am also working on a 2-way version using a PHP script as a telnet proxy running on an Apache websever. If you wish to have a play with this, please contact me. Warning: This is quite advanced to setup and is quite unfinished!


Installation is in 3 parts:

  1. Setting up your hardware
  2. Copying files to your lighting desk
  3. Running the remote on your iPhone / iPod

Setting up your hardware

  1. You need to ensure your lighting desk and access point are on the same network. Please consult your installation manuals for your access point for further details.
  2. The IP address settings for your lighting desk can be found in the Palette Control Panel - You can quickly find out your desk IP address by hovering over the network button in the Control Panel.
  3. If you are using the Offline Editor, please use the Windows network settings.
  4. In Palette, Navigate to 'Hardware Setup' > 'Console' and tick the box labeled 'Enable Web Server'.
  5. You may get a Windows Security Alert for 'Horizon Engine', this is usual - select 'Unblock' to continue.
  6. Using a web browser, navigate to the IP address of your lighting desk, i.e '', you should see the sample remote application bundled with the lighting desk.

Copying files to your lighting desk

  1. Download the zip file above and save to your computer
  2. Unzip the files and copy them to a memory stick
  3. On your lighting desk, open My Computer in the Control Panel
  4. Navigate to D:\web and create a folder such as 'old'
  5. Copy the current contents of D:\web to this new folder
  6. Copy the files from the memory stick to D:\web, you should have the following files in D:\web: remote.html, a folder called files, your backup folder 'old'.

Running the remote on your iPhone / iPod

  1. Open Safari and navigate to the remote.html by entering the IP address of your lighting desk then /remote.html i.e ''
  2. Press the Safari + button at the bottom of the screen, select 'Add to Home Screen'

Also in the config file you can find the following settings:

  1. The looks page used for the Look comannd
  2. Separate levels for setting channels by either pressing ON or pressing ENTER
  3. Separate levels for setting looks by either pressing ON or pressing ENTER
  4. Entering either in Single Entry mode or Double Entry mode


The remote follows the basic Palette command line notation

  1. Enter channel number(s) > ON / OFF
  2. Enter channel number(s) > @ level
  3. Press look > number > ON / OFF
  4. Press look > number > @ level


This software is based on Mote by Tom Visser - More information can be found at

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

This software comes without endorsement from Strand Lighting and issues / questions should be directed to me at

We do not condone use of this software during a 'live' show and recommend the wireless access point is switched off when this remote is not used. Connecting the Strand Lighting Desk to a network with access to the public internet is not required for this software to run and is not recommended by the author.